Skill upgrade and change management orientation programs for KUKL staff

KUKL has launched various training/workshop programs of skill upgrade and orientation of changed management for KUKL staffs. Program detail of training/orientation/workshop as as follows;

S.No. Title Time Expected no. of participants
1.  Change Management Orientation for senior managers May 50
2. Low Income Consumer Service Unit (LICSU)
a) Sensitization on Pro-poor and gender issues
b) GIS and Hydraulic network and modelling




3. Change Management Orientation Program for level 5-7 staffs July/Aug 278
4. Unaccounted for Water (UfW) and leak detection training July 70
5. Assessment and Monitoring of Water Quality July/Aug
6.  Plumber’s training Aug/Sept 70 – 100
7. Water Treatment Process Training Aug/Sept 50 – 60
8.  Pump Attendant and Operator Training Aug/Sept 75 – 100
9. Electro- mechanical Training Sept/Oct
10. Operation and maintenance of sewer line Dry season 20
11. KUKL/KVWSMB joint workshop on various relevant issues To be announced later
12. Basic accounting course To be announced later
13. Customer care and public relation To be announced later